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Mission Statement

Osgodby School Mission Statement


Why are we here?

  • We are here to provide the best possible start for the children in our care regardless of their personal circumstances.
  • We are here to aid every child in the discovery and development of their own personal skills, talents and interests.
  • We are here to aid children in the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes that will allow them to contribute to a better future for themselves, their local community and their world.


What do we do?

  • We produce responsible and resilient young citizens who possess a respect for and understanding of the cultural and natural world around them.
  • We foster a spirit of adventure in our pupils.
  • We help children to develop a positive self-image; they are able to appreciate the beauty within themselves and the beauty in the human and natural world around them.
  • We provide children with the academic, social and technical skills necessary to compete in an ever globalised world
  • We value and nurture creativity in all its forms and harness creativity to ensure purposeful learning.
  • We instill an understanding of the importance of sportsmanship and fair play in our pupils, allowing them to become excellent team members and appreciate the fact that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind.
  • We encourage children to be self-motivated, self-disciplined and self-reliant.
  • We encourage children to become independent life-long learners who enjoy the pursuit of knowledge.
  • We demonstrate the values of empathy, tolerance and compassion and provide children with the skills necessary for building healthy relationships.
  • We contribute to the moral, emotional and spiritual development of the children in our care.
  • We teach essential life skills (written and verbal communication, domestic skills, organisational skills, leadership skills, financial skills, social skills)
  • We see our school as the hub of the local community and commit to serving our community to the best of our ability.


How do we do this?

Teaching, learning and assessment


  • We plan carefully structured schemes of work that meet learners’ needs and encourage enthusiasm, enjoyment and participation from children.
  • We differentiate tasks to tailor learning to the needs of individual children.
  • We offer support to children in the form of relevant schemes of intervention. The impact of these schemes is regularly assessed to ensure that children are making the best possible progress.
  • We challenge our young learners by offering individual challenges during lessons and offer children regular opportunities to solve more complex, open-ended problems.
  • We offer ‘same day catch up’ and ‘pre-teaching’ sessions to ensure that no child is left behind.
  • We set regular differentiated homework which consolidates or extends learning from the classroom.
  • We make use of cross-curricular and topic-based learning which includes the use of ‘wow’ openers to engage our young learners.
  • We make regular use of robust assessment procedures and conduct regular pupil progress meetings to provide us with a clear picture of pupil progress.
  • We make use of our local environment, including our extensive grounds, to enhance learning.
  • We offer regular, purposeful feedback to children, making clear to them what they are doing well and how they can improve their work.
  • We make use of the latest technology to enhance learning and prepare children to take their place in the world as ‘digital citizens’.
  • We teach a balanced curriculum and recognise the importance of all subjects detailed in The National Curriculum.
  • We prepare children to meet the standards required by national tests.
  • We make use of exciting in-school events and educational visits to bring learning to life.
  • We promote British values, including democracy. Our school council is core to school life and children receive specific learning sessions concerning the democratic process.


Personal development, behaviour and welfare


  • We follow robust safeguarding procedures which are regularly updated
  • We offer a range of extra-curricular opportunities to cater to the different interests displayed by our pupils.
  • We celebrate group and individual achievement, including achievements outside of school.
  • We deliver carefully planned PSHE and RE sessions to aid the development of social, moral, emotional and spiritual skills.
  • We have a clear system of rewards and sanctions which is applied consistently throughout school.
  • We ensure that parents are notified of undesirable or outstanding behaviour in a timely manner.
  • Our RE scheme of work encompasses all the major world religions, instilling tolerance of different world views and a curiosity about the beliefs of others.
  • We foster strong links between home and school with an ‘open door’ policy. Parents are kept informed of developments in school via information on our website, regular parent information evenings, parent forums and newsletters.
  • We offer regular opportunities for parents to view their child’s work and share in their successes.
  • We insist on the highest standards of personal conduct, appearance and manners from our pupils.
  • We provide opportunities for children to involve themselves in enterprise projects which foster the development of collaborative, organisational, communication and financial skills.
  • We ensure that children understand how to keep themselves safe. Children receive dedicated e-safety lessons and sessions related to drug and alcohol safety.
  • We prepare children fully for the changes that they will encounter as they grow with a comprehensive scheme of work related to sex and relationships.
  • We work closely with local secondary schools to ensure smooth transition and offer support for those who require special arrangements.


Leadership and Management


  • The headteacher and governing body regularly monitor teaching and learning to ensure that it meets the needs of pupils.
  • The headteacher provides performance management sessions for all staff in school.
  • The headteacher and governing body make use of school data to ensure that pupils are making at least expected progress.
  • The Governing Board have regular contact with school and visit often to monitor the work of the school.
  • The Governing Board hold the school accountable for pupil progress and offer appropriate challenge.
  • Leaders collaborate with outside agencies, including other schools to ensure the best outcomes for pupils.
  • The Governing Board are rigorous in their appraisal of school finances to ensure that spending has a positive impact on pupil progress.
  • Subject leaders are aware of the strengths and areas for development in the subjects they lead and make a positive contribution to the development of the school.
  • Leaders ensure that staff receive regular professional development and inset opportunities.