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Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 


Please find attached Osgodby Primary Schools' Local Offer regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

The Local Offer contains the following information:

> Different needs the school supports

> Arrangements for consulting parents

> How we support transition between school phases

> How we can adapt provision and pastoral support

> Specialised staff we employ/work with

> How we evaluate our SEN Provision

> Who to contact and how to make a complaint

Also included is our most recent SEN Annual Report to Governors. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities receive their right to a high quality, accessible and balanced curriculum, this report is produced to ensure we are offering the best for all pupils.

Our school's SENCO is Mrs Kalchev and her contact details are: 

Phone:01673 828323 



Our SEND governor is Mrs Sue Ferrnyhough and she can be contacted via email on: 


Please click on the links below to view the following:


Click here to go to the Lincolnshire Local Offer and access to the Lincolnshire Family Services Directory.



Admissions of pupils with SEND

Osgodby Primary School follows Lincolnshire County Council's Admission Policy. Where a child has an EHC the County Council will work with the family to ensure the child is best placed to have their needs met and parental preference is always given the upmost importance. For more information please click on our Policies section or visit the Local Authorities' admission page below
