School Logo


Welcome to Osgodby Primary School!


Welcome to our school. Osgodby Primary School has been educating pupils for over 150 years. We are very proud of our school and we enjoy sharing our work with our guests. The following pages are designed to give you, our visitors and friends, a glimpse of the way in which Osgodby School represents such a distinctive small school educational opportunity.


Our goal is to light the spark for life long learning and to offer an extraordinary academic experience. We aim to give all of our children the chance to discover their own individual gifts and talents and to nurture these talents as they grow. 


As you read the following pages, I hope they will give you a flavour of our small school community, what we do and the fun that we have doing it. However, if you have a chance, please come and visit us in person and have a chat with me. I know you will be excited by what you see...!




Mr A. Taylor - Head Teacher



