Religious Education
Religious Education
'Religions are different roads converging to the same point. What does it matter that we take different roads, so long as we reach the same goal. Wherein is the cause for quarreling?'
Mahatma Gandhi
During RE lessons in our school you will see:
children who can communicate their beliefs and attitudes while also respecting the beliefs of others in the group / wider world. Our children are taught to ask ' big questions' and to respond articulately to these same questions with reasoned arguements. Children will be learn to use the appropriate vocabulary when discussing different belief systems.
children who collaborate to participate in and lead acts of collective worship and celebration.
children who are able to express their own belief and faith creatively e.g. via the arts. Teachers will share notable examples of expression of belief (e.g. through painting / sculpture / song writing).
children who recognise that religion, while being a force for good, can also be a catalyst for disharmony. Teachers will explore current events with children in age-appropriate ways to help them to understand these issues. Children will also investigate how belief can build bridges between communities.
children investigating how differing belief systems advocate compassion and how this is demonstrated through their every day actions. Children will explore examples from religious texts (e.g. 'Love thy neighbour', the teachings of Buddha). Children will develop the power of imagination to identify feelings such as love, wonder, forgiveness and sorrow.They will consider the thoughts, feelings, experiences, attitudes, beliefs and values of others. They will develop the ability to see the world through the eyes of others, and to see issues from their point of view.
Cultural Awareness
children who have a sound knowledge of the beliefs and practices of a diverse range of belief systems from around the world. Teachers will also investigate more recently founded belief systems (e.g. Humanism).
children who show pride in the presentation of completed work. They will acquire,develop and utilise a specialist vocabulary. They will communicate their ideas with depth and precision; listen to the views and ideas of others, including people from religious traditions; develop their speaking and listening skills when considering religious beliefs and ideas and articulating their responses; write in different styles such as poetry, diaries, extended writing and the synthesis of differing views, beliefs and ideas.
Our RE Leader is Mr Ashley Taylor
At Osgodby, we follow the Lincolnshire Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. We would like to thank Rev. Marion Toyne for her help and advice.